Query Types

The first and most important part of every RONIN query is its type (“query type”).

It represents the operation that is being performed at the time when the query is executed and, therefore, the way in which records are either read or written in the RONIN space that is being addressed by the query.

Adding Records (add)

To insert individual records for a given RONIN schema, the add query type can be used:

await add.account.with({
  name: 'Elaine Marksman',
  email: 'elaine@kojima-productions.com',

As usual with RONIN’s query syntax, you may choose to nest the different parts of the query in any way you like, at any level you like:

await add.session.with.account('acc_vais0g9rrk995tz0');

Every time you create a record, the created record is returned.

Adding multiple records at once

At the moment, inserting a list of records with a single query is not yet possible. To insert multiple records at once, you may, therefore, run a add query multiple times with different values:

const posts = [];
for (const postDetails of posts) {
  await add.post.with(postDetails);

Supported Query Instructions

The following query instructions may be used in combination with queries of type add:

Default Fields

Whenever a new record is created, its id field will get filled automatically. You may optionally overwrite the default value by passing the field as part of the add query.

Additionally, the ronin.createdAt and ronin.updatedAt metadata fields of the record will automatically get set to when the Record was created.

Retrieving Records (get)

To obtain all records of a given RONIN schema, the get query type can be used:

await get.accounts();

To obtain only specific records, you may optionally pass a list of fields that should be matched:

await get.account.with.id('acc_vais0g9rrk995tz0');
await get.accounts.with({
  handle: 'elaine',
  emailAddress: 'elaine@site.co',

Advanced Assertions

In most cases, the syntax above will suffice for retrieving the records you’re interested in. If it doesn’t suffice, you may optionally choose to provide more complex field assertions using the sub instructions of the with query instruction:

await get.accounts.with({
  email: {
    startingWith: 'team-',
    endingWith: '@site.com',

Supported Query Instructions

The following query instructions may be used in combination with queries of type get:

  • Asserting Fields (with)

  • Paginating Records (before, after, limitedTo)

  • Ordering Records (orderedBy)

  • Resolving Related Records (using)

  • Selecting Fields (selecting)

Modifying Records (set)

To update individual records of a given RONIN schema, the set query type can be used:

await set.account({
  with: { id: 'acc_vais0g9rrk995tz0' },
  to: { name: 'David Marksman' },

Similarily, multiple records of the same RONIN schema may be updated like so:

await set.accounts({
  with: {
    email: {
      endingWith: 'kojima-productions.com',
  to: { name: 'David Marksman' },

Every time you update a record, the updated record (with the modifications applied) is returned.

Supported Query Instructions

The following query instructions may be used in combination with queries of type set:

  • Asserting Fields (with)

  • Resolving Related Records (using)

Default Fields

Whenever a record is modified, the ronin.updatedAt metadata field will automatically get updated to the time when the update was performed.

Removing Records (remove)

To remove individual records of a given RONIN schema, the remove query type can be used:

await remove.account.with.id('acc_vais0g9rrk995tz0');

Optionally, multiple fields may be provided for matching the record that should be removed:

await remove.account.with({
  email: 'elaine@kojima-productions.com',
  handle: 'elaine',

Similarily, multiple records of the same RONIN schema may be removed like so:

await remove.accounts.with.email.endingWith('kojima-productions.com');

Supported Query Instructions

The following query instructions may be used in combination with queries of type remove:

  • Asserting Fields (with)

  • Resolving Related Records (using)

Removing All Records

Please note that, for safety reasons, running remove queries without query instructions is impossible. Meaning running the query remove.accounts() is not possible.

If you would like to remove all records of a schema, please retrieve them all using a get query first and then remove them by running a remove query for every record. Alternatively, you can also remove the entire schema in the schema settings on the dashboard.

Counting Records (count)

To determine the amount of all the records available for a given RONIN schema, the count query type can be used:

await count.accounts();

Note that, as shown above, the count query type can only be used with the Plural Slug of a schema, not the Slug. For example, count.account() does not work, whereas count.accounts() does.

Supported Query Instructions

The following query instructions may be used in combination with queries of type count:

  • Asserting Fields (with)